Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Life....

June - I love June! But this year is even better. Been in my new home for more than three months. The kids and I are happy. We planted flowers in tons of pots all over our patio last night. After getting back from California Adventure. Pooped and happy - that sounds funny! Our yard is huge. Right now I am listening to Ben pitch to the twins - that is how big the yard is - they can play baseball! They have a new playyard that Aunt Deena gave us. Swings and a little fort.

Finished with my charms for the CE charm swap. There are so many nice people on the Yahoo Board. I have been RAK'd three times (Random Acts of Kindness). I have been shopping and plan to RAK people who are in my birthday month. It is so exciting and heart-lifting to get a surprise in the mail, isn't it?

I also made reservations to take the kids to Kauai. I know, I know, who has the money? Certainly not me! But I have been steno-ing away and pinching pennies like crazy and I am determined to have a blast! Lying in the sun, getting brown, eating shaved ices. Can't wait!

Life is good.....


Timi Forrest said...

hey girl
i nominated you for a kreative blogger award....go to my blog for details

Faye's Crafti Corner said...

Hey Jennifer, sounds like things are going awesome for you. Congrats

Hey I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger award.

Go to my blog, cut and paste the info to your blog. Complete the info and have fun